Matheus Bratfisch Cogito ergo sum

Install Cmake 3 on AWS Linux

If you are trying to build something using CMake and is getting the error: “CMake 3.1 or higher is required. You are running version”

You can manually install this CMake version, to do this, I removed the previous CMake.

# yum remove cmake

Tested if it was really removed

$ cmake 
-bash: /usr/bin/cmake: No such file or directory

Install G++

# yum install gcc-c++

Download latest version from: Cmake Download

$ wget

Extract it:

$ tar -xvzf cmake-3.10.0.tar.gz

Enter on cmake folder

$ cd cmake-3.10.0

Install it with:

# ./bootstrap
# make
# make install

Now you should have cmake under /usr/local/bin/cmake

Best regards, Matheus