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Facial Recognition using Ubuntu.

Good Night,

I was reading about Facial Recognition and found pam-face-authentication. You must have this packages to use it:
Opencv 1.0.0 +
libpam (dev version)
libX11 (dev version)
Qt4.5 (dev version)

So I decided to try it. Let's start.

Open CV - How to Install
This is a resume of what I did

1. Install the build-essential

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential

2. Access synaptic and search for "CMake", Subversion, GTK+ 2.x, libpng, zlib, libjpeg, libtiff, libjasper, python 2.3+, swig. Don't forget to install the -dev packages too

3. Install libavformat-dev

$ sudo apt-get install libavformat-dev

4. Download the opencv library

$ svn co

5. Go to the download folder

$ cd latest_tested_snapshot/opencv

6. Create dir release

$ mkdir release

7. Access it

$ cd release

8. Use cmake (Don't have sure if .. is necessary.)


9. Make it

$ make

10. Install it

$ sudo make install


$ sudo ldconfig -v


$ cd bin

13. Verify if the dependencies works.

$ ./cxcoretest

Now go to Synpactic again and look for Libpam, libX11, Qt4.5 (don't forget the -dev version)

How to install pam-face-authentication? Install PAM-FaCE-AUTH (reference)

1. Download pam-face-authentication (download the last version in my time I used 0.3)

$ wget

2. Extract it.

$ tar -xf pam-face-authentication-0.3.tar.gz

3. Go to extracted folder

$ cd pam-face-authentication-0.3

4. Create build

$ mkdir build

5. Go to folder

$ cd build

6. (Don't have sure if .. is necessary.)

$ cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_DIR=/usr ..

$ make


$ sudo make install

Access Applications - Other - QtFacetrainer. Configure it. Go to Advanced and test it.

If you want to use it when somebody uses the "su" command. Edit "/etc/pam.d/su"

$ sudo vi /etc/pam.d/su

Add this line in the begin of the file

auth sufficient enableX

Other reference

Published inLinuxUbuntu


  1. Yure Yure

    Como faço para desinstalar tudo? Remover tudo, tudo mesmo.

  2. Yure Yure

    Eu inicio tudo certo, quando clico em Next fecha tudo e dá esse erro:

    yure@yure-laptop:~$ qt-facetrainer
    select timeout
    select timeout
    Falha de segmentação

  3. Yure,
    Desculpa a demora mas não sei ao certo como remover TUDO TUDO. Mas ta com algum problema? Remove essa linha
    auth sufficient enableX

    Não lembro de cabeça o que era o erro Falha na Segmentação. Vou tentar reproduzir se tiver tempo e informo caso consiga.

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