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Remove or Disable Overlay Scrollbar – Ubuntu 11.04


I like the normal scrollbars. So when I installed Ubuntu 11.04, I didn't like the new type of scrollbars. If you want to remove it:

$ sudo apt-get remove overlay-scrollbar

If this doesn't work, try this (tips from Joonas)

$ sudo apt-get remove liboverlay-scrollbar-0.1-0

Or if you just want to disable it (I think it is betters), do this:

$ sudo echo "export LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR=0" > /etc/X11/Xsession.d/80overlayscrollbars

Reboot your system.

That is it!


Published inUbuntu


  1. Karlos Karlos

    Thanks! I disabled it and got my scrollbars back. I hated the overlay scrollbars. I can only imagine how difficult it is for somebody with vision problems.

  2. Norbert Norbert

    It says “export LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR=0″
    What you mean is "export LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR=0"
    This blog software probably messes up the quotes

  3. Norbert Norbert

    Yeah, it also messed up my comment.
    On the second line of my last post, read regular quotes where it changed them (again).

  4. Sorry, I don't understand what you mean, I just tried the method that I wrote again and it is working.
    What is the problem?

  5. Joonas Joonas

    What Norbert meant is that your blog software mangles quotation marks by replacing them with typographical quotes, which obviously won't work when pasting them into a terminal.

    With regard to the package removal method, removing overlay-scrollbar didn't work for me; however, removing removing liboverlay-scrollbar-0.1-0 did the trick. No restart required, just log out and log in.

    Your blogging software also seems to have a problem formatting quotes 🙂

  6. Joonas Joonas

    Please read that last bit as "formatting dates". Or edit it. Thanks.

  7. Now I get it. Thanks Joonas, yes, I think my qTrasnlate plugin is messing up with the dates. Because when you're in Portugues version, the dates are show correctly.

    I will try to fix this. Really appreciate your comment. THANKS!

  8. Titan T. Fox Titan T. Fox

    Great post, thank you ! I really did not like the major alterations that were made in 11.04. I did not like Unity, I don't like the new scroll-bars and I don't like the new notification bar. I can't re-arrange the time, Pidgin IM icon, volume and network icons anymore.

    Change can be a good thing, but I don't like it when they change too much. I do not understand why they insist on keeping minimize, maximize and close buttons to the left. The largest part of the community did not like this and still they do it again 🙁

  9. Jesse van Dam Jesse van Dam

    Thank you, I really hate the overlay scrollbars and all this stupid new fancy UI thingies in the new ubuntu.

  10. Mark Mark

    Thanks, got proper scroll bars again!
    Tried the new scroll bar layout for a month or so but found it a pain at times and think it maybe a bit buggy. Good idea I think, just needs time to get it working properly.

  11. ChrisOfBristol ChrisOfBristol

    Thanks, this file (80overlayscrollbars) also works on 11.10 (the method I was using in 11.04 didn't).

    It makes Ubuntu usable!

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